The closer we get to our federal election, the more frightened I become of the results.
I think the conservatives stand to do quite well now that they are a homogenous blend of Reform, Canadian Alliance, and Conservative parties. To contrast we have the poor center to center-left parties splitting votes between the Liberal, NDP, and Greens. I know that the Liberals, NDP, and Greens are completely different parties but from a vote splitting perspective, they're the same.
I don't know who to vote for and I'm usually very decisive with elections. I would usually lean NDP but lately I find they're trying to play it "cool" and want to come across as friendly and relatable but seriously, just tell us what your positions are! Quite skirting around important stuff while constantly attacking Harper. The people that are going to vote NDP probably hate Harper anyway, we don't need to be told to.
I will likely end up voting Liberal because in my riding, the NDP have zero chance of winning. I agree with a lot of what the Greens have to say but Elizabeth May is pro-life and some of their agenda is quite right-wing, which I don't agree with.
When I talk to people about political issues, they all seem to find the things I find important, important to them too. The problem is either that these people AREN'T VOTING!! or they're BLINDED BY THE CONSERVATIVES and voting for creepy Steven Harper anyway.
COME ON PEOPLE! Look at what a right-wing approach to economics does to a country - we have a perfect example of the insustainability of capitalism in the United States right now. Their economy is slated to implode, except for a 700 Billion dollar bail-out by the government (aka: the taxpayers) that is supposed to restore confidence in the economy. Well, I saw a woman on Larry King the other night who commented on the ailing business in the United States. She said if these companies are too big to fail, and too entrenched in the global economy to be weeded out, then they are too big to exist. And I agree. Isn't the point of capitalism that strong and well-run businesses survive? Well why should the government support ailing giants who made bad business decisions? I understand the counter-argument that it's to avoid repeating the Great Depression but seriously, let's learn from our mistakes, bail these companies out, then start splitting them up. They should not exist on the scale they are allowed to exist on.
Anyway, this is a long rant. My point: Don't elect the Conservative party in Canada. The North American idea of capitalism does not work. The Canadian Left needs to band together to topple creepy Steven Harper - I don't know about you but I like the environment, I like healthcare, and I like gay marriage.