February 12, 2008

My first real post

Ok. I need to complain a little bit about my computer problems.  Anyone that's one of my facebook friends and makes some attempt to creep on my profile every now and again should be aware of the computer problems I have had since last August.  I'm sad to say that here I am, six months later, and I have made no significant advances in getting my computer fixed.  Granted, I kind of gave up after January, but either way I'm pissed off.

In an attempt to improve my computer on my own, I went yesterday to buy some more RAM for my iMac.  Now, if you know the iMac at all, you know it's stupid easy to upgrade the ram.  You undo ONE screw and pull of this protect-o-plate, slide in the new ram, and you're done.  That's it.  Anyhow, during one of my many trip to MyMacDealer (don't ever take you're computer here - they're technologically intept and will tell you that your computer is fixed on FIVE DIFFERENT FUCKING OCCASIONS when really they've done nothing) they replaced some defective RAM.  It seems that upon replacing the RAM, they also stripped the screw holding the protect-o-RAM-plate onto the iMac.  You can imagine then, that it was ridiculously difficult when I went to upgrade cause I couldn't get the bloody thing off.  In the end I wound up breaking the plate in two and possibly damaging one of my RAM chips in the process.  That part is my fault but I attribute the situation to them. I hate them.

Now I need my computer fixed and I need a new protect-o-plate.  I love my Mac and am happy with it despite the shit luck I've had getting it fixed (Why don't computer techs listen when I talk to them??) but I really need to do something about this situation.  Maybe on reading week, when I'm blogging the hell out of some shit, I'll do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. from what i hear, these people are the resident mac experts:

