I live a sad, sad life.
In this sad life, I have opted to use a stat monitor to track the activity on my site. It amazes me that, all of a sudden, the traffic to my page has expanded beyond my group of friends to include people from all over the world.
What is the reason for this global phenomenon? It seems google image search is referring people to my page because of the calvin and hobbes truck logo I put in.
That's the weirdest thing to me.
April 29, 2008
Who knew?
So, I make fun of my parents quite a bit. Mostly I ridicule them for their strange food concoctions - chili-ghetti par example. Imagine, if you will, what was once a pot of chili being magically transformed into spaghetti sauce through the simple addition of oregano and rosemary. It's really as confusing as it sounds.
My dad likes to apply that same "carpe diem" attitude to his booze. Mix a little cider with some beer, mix some crystal lite with some wine etc.
Well, I seem to have adopted their shameless cavalier attitude as I myself have discovered a melange that I am quite fond of. Get yourself a giant bottle of Orangina and a klassy box of wine and you will have yourself the greatest impromptu Sangria ever.
I love it.
April 28, 2008
What the hell?
So this was my phone blog photo. It seems to have worked. Excellent - Gary (and Yahoo!) prepare to meet the challenge of a lifetime. Although Gary does generally have more interesting blog posts than I do. (see today's Miley Cyrus rant.)
About this photo: This is a page from our Starbucks Summer Beverage launch package. They felt it necessary, on the one blank page in the book, to write This Page Intentionally Left Blank...
I don't think I need to comment.
What a Sunday
Is any weekend complete without a trip to superstore? No. I didn't think so.
In order to really complete this weekend, Bianca and I not only hit up the Superstore, we also hit up: Toys r Us, The Italian Centre, the Superstore liquor store, the bank, and the dollar store.
What a day, let me tell you.
Observe Bianca shopping for Joe Clothes:

After our jaunt to Superstore, I bought myself a box of wine and Bianca bought some vodka. Later on in the night Emmanuel, Trina, Jasmine, Bobby, Bianca, and I got together and played Mario Kart Wii and Rockband. Our band was so cool we all had to wear glow bracelets.
I have to say, that of anything in the whole day, I was most impressed with Bianca's ability to get totally wasted off four drinks and Jasmine's mad skills at Rockband. This girl picked up the guitar, put it on expert, and kicked all of our "easy" and "medium" asses. I was (correction-am) amazed.
In order to really complete this weekend, Bianca and I not only hit up the Superstore, we also hit up: Toys r Us, The Italian Centre, the Superstore liquor store, the bank, and the dollar store.
What a day, let me tell you.
Observe Bianca shopping for Joe Clothes:
After our jaunt to Superstore, I bought myself a box of wine and Bianca bought some vodka. Later on in the night Emmanuel, Trina, Jasmine, Bobby, Bianca, and I got together and played Mario Kart Wii and Rockband. Our band was so cool we all had to wear glow bracelets.
I have to say, that of anything in the whole day, I was most impressed with Bianca's ability to get totally wasted off four drinks and Jasmine's mad skills at Rockband. This girl picked up the guitar, put it on expert, and kicked all of our "easy" and "medium" asses. I was (correction-am) amazed.
April 25, 2008
It's a Hot Topic
Well, today the buzz in all my friends' blogs seems to be both my karaoke shindig last night and Rockband. Let me tell you, both are (were) awesome.
I was initially nervous about the karaoke because renting a machine and being responsible for it in a bar where there are other customers is a lot of pressure... Barb at the Next Act helped alleviate some of that pressure by CLOSING THE BAR TO THE PUBLIC JUST FOR ME! I felt like a superstar. I've never had anything like that happen to me before. All my favorite friends were able to come and sing their hearts out without having to worry about other douchey bar patrons. It was great.
Thanks go out to Noel and Gary for my Pride Rainbow cake and birthday gifts. Also, Gary mentioned in his blog a few weeks ago about spending too much money on Stamping Supplies from Le Papier but the card he made me was so wicked awesome I think the supplies were worth it.
Next Blog: Why Rockband kicks ass, and how to convince my boss at Starbucks that we should do Karaoke Sundays at the Bux.
I was initially nervous about the karaoke because renting a machine and being responsible for it in a bar where there are other customers is a lot of pressure... Barb at the Next Act helped alleviate some of that pressure by CLOSING THE BAR TO THE PUBLIC JUST FOR ME! I felt like a superstar. I've never had anything like that happen to me before. All my favorite friends were able to come and sing their hearts out without having to worry about other douchey bar patrons. It was great.
Thanks go out to Noel and Gary for my Pride Rainbow cake and birthday gifts. Also, Gary mentioned in his blog a few weeks ago about spending too much money on Stamping Supplies from Le Papier but the card he made me was so wicked awesome I think the supplies were worth it.
Next Blog: Why Rockband kicks ass, and how to convince my boss at Starbucks that we should do Karaoke Sundays at the Bux.
April 24, 2008
The $100 Post
I'm going to try something. Sometime today, I will take a picture with my new phone and post it directly to my blog from the phone. I don't know how much it will cost, or if it will cost anything, because I signed up for FIDO's unlimited surfing option which includes 25 picture messages but the customer service representative doesn't know if my phone will be compatible with the option (why it wouldn't - I don't know.) That being said, I'll either pay $3.50 for the surfing option, and that's it, or I'll pay $3.50 for the surfing option and then pay like $10 for the post I send. It could be a pricy post.
Oh well, it's all in the name of research and learning.
Oh well, it's all in the name of research and learning.
April 22, 2008
While I'm Thinking About It
I love Calvin and Hobbes. I think it's the greatest comic strip in the entire world. And It really pisses me off to see stupid asshole jock losers with the "Calvin pees on the truck logo" stickers adhered to the back window of they loser trucks. They're crap.
What the hell do they mean anyway? Do you hate your truck brand? Wouldn't you want him peeing on the logo of an opposing truck company?? And why him? Why does it have to be Calvin? Why can't it be some crap jock icon? How about something involving Budlight, or the Kokanee Ranger? Calvin is in no way affiliated with beer and therefore non-jock relatable.
As if any of them have even read the comic anyway.
April 21, 2008
It's British Semantics really
Earlier today I avoided my take-home exam by sitting at Starbucks where I feigned work.
I sat in my stool at the bar and watched as Gary deviated from the perpendicular, resting his hand atop the sanitizer machine. He stood aghast at his now crud-laden hand and exclaimed, "I leant over and now look what's on my hand!"
I told him leant isn't a word. But I was proven wrong:
leant (lěnt)
v. Chiefly British
1. A past tense and a past participle of lean.
2. To Deviate from the perpendicular.
While I generally prefer the British version of all things relating to the English language, this time my ego is involved. So today I think Stupid Gary and his stupid British sayings.
We're in Canada Gary.
I sat in my stool at the bar and watched as Gary deviated from the perpendicular, resting his hand atop the sanitizer machine. He stood aghast at his now crud-laden hand and exclaimed, "I leant over and now look what's on my hand!"
I told him leant isn't a word. But I was proven wrong:
leant (lěnt)
v. Chiefly British
1. A past tense and a past participle of lean.
2. To Deviate from the perpendicular.
While I generally prefer the British version of all things relating to the English language, this time my ego is involved. So today I think Stupid Gary and his stupid British sayings.
We're in Canada Gary.
On Take Home Exams...
Imagine this:
The school term is almost over. The last week has been absolute hell but the seemingly endless pile of assignments has finally been completed and you breathe a sigh of relief.
You stroll into one of your last lectures, happy that all you have to do now is sit and learn, and then write the final. It's during this happy moment that your teacher drops the bomb: You final exam is three hours of multiple choice questions, and two take home essays. F*CK ME. That's what you think.
Fast forward a couple of weeks to the middle of exams. You've completed all but the last one, you're a tuckered out, and you just want to write a straightforward multiple choice test. But you can't. You have to sit in a Starbucks and come up with something to say about Educational Technology. Actually... make that two somethings. Two papers.
I don't want to write these. I just want to take the multiple choice test. I'm losing my motivation and the frenchman next to me, gesturing loudly while on his cell phone, is beginning to piss me off.
The school term is almost over. The last week has been absolute hell but the seemingly endless pile of assignments has finally been completed and you breathe a sigh of relief.
You stroll into one of your last lectures, happy that all you have to do now is sit and learn, and then write the final. It's during this happy moment that your teacher drops the bomb: You final exam is three hours of multiple choice questions, and two take home essays. F*CK ME. That's what you think.
Fast forward a couple of weeks to the middle of exams. You've completed all but the last one, you're a tuckered out, and you just want to write a straightforward multiple choice test. But you can't. You have to sit in a Starbucks and come up with something to say about Educational Technology. Actually... make that two somethings. Two papers.
I don't want to write these. I just want to take the multiple choice test. I'm losing my motivation and the frenchman next to me, gesturing loudly while on his cell phone, is beginning to piss me off.
April 20, 2008
We're Snowed In and Making Dinner
Holy crap, there is so much snow. It's April 20th - what gives?? It's a good excuse to make rich, slow cooked food though.
Tonight we're making a close-roasted pork tenderloin with mole inspired seasoning and baby new potatoes. It's not really in the same flavour category, but we needed to use up our asparagus so we're making that too. It will be glazed asparagus with artichokes and a lemon-mayonnaise sauce. Yummers.
I also haven't finished Season 3 of Arrested Development yet so we'll be watching that tonight also. Snow days are crap, especially in late spring, but it's a nice excuse for a night in.
Tonight we're making a close-roasted pork tenderloin with mole inspired seasoning and baby new potatoes. It's not really in the same flavour category, but we needed to use up our asparagus so we're making that too. It will be glazed asparagus with artichokes and a lemon-mayonnaise sauce. Yummers.
I also haven't finished Season 3 of Arrested Development yet so we'll be watching that tonight also. Snow days are crap, especially in late spring, but it's a nice excuse for a night in.
April 19, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me
Everyone knows about my cell phone mishap. I've been droning on about it for weeks. Well soon I will reach the exciting conclusion to this story because today I ordered myself a totally wicked-awesome Happy Birthday phone.
I bent under the pressure of all my friends and jumped the Nokia ship to Sony Ericsson. The phone I ordered is the T650i and it's supa-pretty. I'm pumped. I just hope that its blogging feature works on the Fido network so that I no longer have to think "I should blog about that when I get home" and can instead think "I should totally blog about that right now - but won't cause it's way too much work."
Since I ordered the phone online, I imagine they'll ship it on Monday. The shipping is 1-2 days so hopefully it's here for my birthday on Thursday. Yeah!
P.S. Watch this cool youtube video that showing off the phone's light-up effects!
Things I learned tonight:
1. If you go to a bar dressed as a firefighter, a good dance move is to pretend you're spraying everyone with a hose while occasionally directing the middle finger to the ceiling.
2. You can pretend like you belong at all the parties by showing up, but people will still make fun of you if you're skanky enough to try picking up a homosexual of the opposite gender.
3. Just because you "dressed-up" by wearing a black T-shirt and black hat, doesn't mean you can stalk the cute 18 year old. She's smart enough to avoid you.
4. Flailing around and bouncing chaotically is chic enough to fit in with hipsters.
5. It's 2008, but some clubs still think Rave music is a good theme for Friday nights.
6. My boyfriend can let loose every now and again.
April 14, 2008
Ho Hum
I'm lazing in a coffee shop, finishing the last bit of school work I have for the term, watching people stroll by with umbrellas. Everyone looks cold. Most people are wincing.
And yet there's something strangely gratifying about a rainy day.
April 13, 2008
April 11, 2008
What a feeling
Flashdance is the coolest movie in the whole world. I I was so ahead of my time when, at four years old, I was obsessed with the soundtrack.
Whatever happened to the powerballad? Music now days needs to be more epic.
April 10, 2008
It's like, a frappucino
Dear Teenage Girls,
You should be aware that when you and your clique come into the Starbucks, we know what you're up to. You'll ho-hum about what to get, check your text messages, giggle about Gordon's muscles and then each of you will order (one at a time) a stupid Caramel Frappucino and you will all pay with debit. We hate you.
My advice is you either pay cash, or take turns paying for each others drinks when you come in. Further to that, just tell us what you all want, all at once. It's way faster that way. The old man behind you who just wants a coffee will be very appreciative. As for your text messages and Gordon: It's rude to use your phone when we're talking to you - but you can still giggle at Gordon. I'm pretty sure he likes it. He's a straight man at Starbucks - that's what he gets.
Let's talk about food ba-by...
I've decided that my life is very unfocused. I spend a lot of time working and studying without really having a goal in mind. I think my blog clearly reflects the discontinuity in my life.
Henceforth my blog focus is food - with the occasional rant re: whatever the hell I feel like.
April 8, 2008
My dilemma
Today I broke my cell phone. It fell out of my hand as I flipped it open (the RAZRs open with such force after all,) and crashed to the ground. I have the extended warranty on it but they won't cover the damage inflicted to it via ground collision.
Now I have no way to reach anybody other than the internet. Perhaps I'll start using skype and my notebook can function as a giant cell phone.
My dilemma is what to do next. About 3 weeks ago I decided I wanted to cancel my plan with Bell and switch to Fido. At that time, Fido offered me a really sweet deal ($17.50/month for 200 minutes, free evenings & weekends @ 5pm) and Bell offered me a counter deal ($35/month for 200 mins, evenings & weekends @ 6pm, and system access fee included, and a $200 phone credit toward a new phone.) Now Fido has reneged on their offer and I'm pissed.
I don't want to renew my contract with Bell. My last few bills have been insanely large and their customer service and website are really crappy. But I don't want to pay $220 to cancel my contract and move to Fido if they're not willing to offer me anything half-decent.
Stupid Goddamn cell phone. Why did I drop it.
April 5, 2008
April 1, 2008
Planet Earth in my Nose
For anyone who has seen the Cave episode of the BBC's Planet Earth series, remember the stalactites? and stalagmites? and eventually the extremophile snottites?
I feel like I'm a snottite. But instead of producing sulphuric acid I just produce more boogers.
I hate being sick.
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