July 27, 2008

The Capital Ex: Formerly known as Scuzz Days

For Fallon's birthday extravaganza, a handfull of us went to the Capital Ex and, oh man, what a show.

First of all, let me say that I love working on Whyte Ave because it is prime for people-watching. Now let me say that the Capital Ex makes people-watching on Whyte Ave seem like a waste of time. Holy shit, Edmontonians are fantastic.

The first brilliant even of the day occurred shortly after Gary and I walked through the gates. We were heading toward the Fire Ball (be careful when using this ride as a meeting point because it turns out there are -2- rides called the Fire Ball at the Capital Ex) when we walked past a man and his girlfriend (wife?) pushing a stroller. As they walked, she looked off to the side and accidentally veered the stroller into the man's walking path. He stopped, looked at her, and shouted "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU LEARN TO DRIVE?" So another perfect day at the Capital Ex begins.

Once we met up with everyone, Fallon commented that they just passed some shirtless guy with the hottest body she had ever seen and the ugliest face she had ever seen. It turns out that a lot of guys at the ex fit this description: Shirtless, buff, ugly, and trashy.

Gary spotted one of the best sights at the Ex, which was a girl wearing thick flip-flop sandals that read, "Smells like couture" on the side. Gary poignantly remarked, "I don't think so," and we moved on.

Later in the evening we went to see Dragonette. They were spectacular. I made Gary wait in line with me for their autographs after the show even though I was more than 10 years older than most of the people in line. When we got to the front, I had no idea what to say to them so I awkwardly stumbled over my words until I spat out, "My name is Ryan." I think the lead singer and the keyboard player thought I was handicapped. The drummer made no comment but the guitarist, Joel, was quite friendly and noted, like everyone does, that i look like Stiffler. Now I have an autograph from Dragonette with an, "I look like Stiffler" comment on it. It's fantastic. Next time I go to their show, I'm bringing a sign that says "Joel thinks I look like Stiffler - Play True Believer for me."

It was a great day. But this post is getting really long so I'm stopping now.

July 21, 2008

Oh My God Girl

This past Saturday turned out to be one of the most fun nights I've had in ages. After sneaking a flask of gin into Mama Mia!, Gary and I retreated to my apartment where we listened to great music (oh Annie Lennox,) watched hilarious videos (Oh Period film,) and ate delicious snacks (Que Pasa I love you.)

After inventing a brilliant drink - blueberry lemonade blended with Gin - Gary and I were sufficiently tipsy and wanting to go out. Jackie came by for a bit but had to quickly mosey over to Hudson's so she could pick up a drunken Katie. While Jackie's visit was brief, it gave me enough time to showcase some of my awesome stationary and to laugh and complain about work. (Re: the stationary: I can't help showing people things when they come over! It's compulsive. And in all fairness the stationary was strewn about my coffee table so it was in plain view.)

Once Jackie left, Gary and I decided that, while it was after 1am, we could still sneak over to Buddy's for a couple of dances before calling it a night. Gary was worried there would be a line and I poo-pooed this idea, saying we'd be fine. Well, who knew that we'd get to Buddy's at quarter-after-one only to wait in line while the look-a-like cast of High School Musical was ushered into the bar along with many a drunken hag, and an abundance of 15 year olds. It was creepy and I felt old.

Perhaps in response to the personal assault I felt after seeing people younger than me let into the bar V.I.P. style, I became a little bit chirpy and started making loud snide remarks about the VIPs. Two guys in front of Gary and I agreed with most of these comments and turned around to start chatting with us. Well as it turned out, they had VIP passes too and volunteered to sneak Gary and I in along with them. Fast-forward about thirty minutes and you have me and Gary, beers in hand, drunkenly dancing to Estelle, Kylie, Britney, and some random song that we'd never heard before but Gary really liked.

Overall the evening was a smash hit. At this point it felt like we had gone to see Mama Mia! days earlier. I ran into a bunch of old friends at the bar including one of my favorite employers ever, Brian from Windows Salon. Brian isn't a homo so I don't know what he was doing at the bar. Word on the street is that it was supposed to be a reunion night of sorts with one of the old stylists. Wouldn't you know it - she never showed up. Ouch.

While all was well and good, the night wore on and the most shocking of bar events ever took place. I'm not going to write about it here because I think Gary already did a sufficiently good job of that on his blog. I suggest you go read it here.

All in all it made for a fantastic evening and gave me plenty to talk about with my estranged boyfriend while he's off in New York. I don't know if Gary remembers but we sort of made drunken plans for this coming Friday night... we'll see what happens I guess. Otherwise I now get to start counting down the days until Bobby comes home so that he can come along for the next shocking night of debauchery.


July 16, 2008

I Forgot about this Gem

Please watch. Please watch all the way until the end.

periods 101

Oh It's True!

I noticed that my friend Jasmine made a great comment on her blog recently.

I suggest you read it here.

July 10, 2008


So I quit working at Activa a couple weeks ago cause things there were a little slow for me. I moved over to my friend Kristi's center, Prana Holistic, and I'm loving it.

This weekend we get to have a party because we filled an entire drawer with client files. My job is to bring punch. I think I'm gonna borrow a Starbucks Cambro and load it up with boozy deliciousness. Any recommendations on good punch recipes? I'm curious to try Gary's orange flower drink.

July 8, 2008

F*%* You Bell!

Earlier this year I payed a fairly large chunk of money to end my mobile contract with Bell. My cell phone broke, and rather than renew with them for a free phone, I payed out the time and signed with Fido instead.

Bobby just received a notice from Bell that his fee for call display is going up $2 and that every incoming text message will cost him $0.15. That's Bullshit! I'm so glad I left that company because now with Fido I get decent customer service, better phones (hurray iPhone!), per second billing, and no b.s. text message fee.

I can't believe that Bell and Telus would introduce this fee when they're already going to have to compete with Fido and Rogers who will soon be selling the iPhone.

I hope all the Telus and Bell customers leave and sign up with Fido. Pay out your contracts! It's worth it to avoid the ridiculousness that is Bell. Trust me.

July 7, 2008

Thai Chicken Curry

When it comes to cooking, I have one guy I trust more than anyone else: James Peterson. He has a gigantic cookbook that includes recipes and steps and photos on how to cook virtually everything.

Well yesterday I made the book's Thai Chicken Curry which is made completely from scratch. I had to go to the Lucky 97 market in China Town so I could buy weird things like Kaffir Lime leaves and Galangal and Thai Hot Peppers. First of all, I can't believe how cheap the lucky 97 market is. Second of all, I'm so impressed with the curry from scratch. It was so fragrant, and so delicious, I'm very pleased. Next time the weather is a little cooler and I can cook inside again, I might take a second go at it.

I realize this post isn't terribly interesting, if you ask Gary, he'll tell you that none of my stories lately have been interesting (and in all fairness he's totally right.) But I really needed to let everyone know how awesome James Peterson and the Lucky 97 Market are.

July 4, 2008

Oh my sides...

I'm drinking a caeser. Bobby is playing Mario Kart. Our patio door is open.

A police siren echoes in the distance.

Bobby responds "They're coming to get me. Cause I'm so fast."