Today was my first day back to school for the term. It wasn't terribly exciting. As the most notable class related happening of the day, I decided my phys. ed. teacher is unnecessarily hardcore. Her opening remark was "You can call me Mrs. Edwards, or Ms. Edwards, or Aletheia. But that's as friendly as it's gonna get."
I'm not sure how much more friendly it
could get. "Hey tits" perhaps?
I digress.
This term my classes are all super far apart. I'm going to become the king of speedwalking by the end of the school year. I may invest in a pink Valerie Cherish style track suit for my daily strolls. On the first of my lengthy jaunts today I passed the awkward couple. You know, "the awkward couple" from high school. Both of them are really weird, they generally have acne, and for some reason are uncomfortably affectionate toward each other in public. They're the iconic alpha-couple of the social outcasts. Now they go to Grant MacEwan.
When I encountered them I was walking through the pedway from the 109st building to the Centre for Sport and Wellness. It's a somewhat narrow space, as pedways tend to be. So when I was heading toward them and they were heading toward me (holding each others hands in a death-grip,) it was impossible to look away when they paused to kiss.
It wasn't a pec. It wasn't a gentle smooch. It was a full-on, let's stop in the pedway, open our mouths and tongue-bang kind of kiss.
I don't know why only the really, really, really awkward couples seem to do this. I suppose it's good that they have each other. But I don't need to be part of their loving experience. The first thing I thought of when I witnessed the event was Aunt Sassy.
I burst onto the awkward just as she burst on to baby-girl:
"Note to self: I don't need to SEE that!"