May 30, 2008


Several months ago, on a whim, I bought a jar of Patak's curry paste from Superstore. Since then it's sat in my cupboard gathering dust.

Today I busted out that jar and decided to cook something with it since I'm relatively low on food and needed to get creative. Well - let me tell you - that paste kicks so much ass.

All I did was cook a can of tomatoes, some cauliflower and some yellow pepper with the paste and then serve it on top of grilled chicken thighs. I could take or leave the chicken - it really only served as a functional source of protein - and in the future I'd like to add chickpeas. But man oh man, I curious to try other Patak's stuff now.

I'm tres excite for my next trip to superstore.

P.S. Also, the President's Choice Naan is very good. I don't mean to over-triumph the superstore brand products but wow it's good. I hate shopping at Superstore but their stupid good products coerce me to.

May 27, 2008

It's not my fault!

I've been a little light on the Blog entry front these days. I'm sorry. I realise that only about five people read my blog, but you are five important people and I'm sorry I've let you down.

The good news is I've finished my spring session class and, aside from hellishly busy shifts at the Starbucks, I've got my freedom back for three months.

It also happens that this regained freedom coincides with a recent discovery I made: Mario Kart Wii kicks so much ass. I've been playing it quite a bit - the other day mine and bobby's combined Wii playtime was over eight hours. That's embarrassing. But since we still made time to go to the gym and cook dinner etc. I think it's justified. It doesn't matter what my playtime is at as long as I don't get Jabba-the-Hut fat in the process. And that shouldn't happen unless my ice cream eating habits continue to grow at an exponential rate - In which case I might end up a 400lb fatty in about three days.

I'll let you know if it happens.

Until then, I will continue to post and continue to kick ass at Mario Kart online.

May 21, 2008

I'm addicted

I griped a lot about Mario Kart Wii when it first came out. I don't love the new control scheme with the Wii Wheel and I'm not impressed with the adjustments to the button layout on the gamecube controller. I was also extremely disappointed when I played the four person multi-player mode only to find out that it looked only moderately better then the N64 edition of the game.

But I have to say, Wi-Fi kicks so much ass. I only have one friend registered (cause NOBODY is responding to my note on facebook and cause I'm not 12) but it's enough. It's the fun-ness of multi-player without having to organize a videogame night and without having to play splitscreen. It kicks ass.

May 9, 2008

WTF? #2

I haven't posted in a while and at the moment I only have one comment:

If you're going to get your dinner from OPA or your ice cream from Marble Slab, it's not appropriate to eat said items while sitting on the Starbucks patio without buying anything from the Starbucks. Secondly, it makes you a total douche if you leave your garbage behind on the Starbucks patio. If you do this kind of thing, expect people to talk badly about you, and expect the universe to smite you at some point.

Also, when you're using the washroom at the Starbucks and you drop toilet paper, paper towel, or toilet seat covers, pick them up and throw them out. You would do it at home wouldn't you?? Then why not when using someone else's washroom?

Just saying.

May 4, 2008

Oh film.

My digital camera broke earlier this year and, rather than having it repaired, I've been using my old crappy SLR camera instead.

I like the look of film, but man it's expensive to develop. 500 digital photos: cheap. 48 film prints: $28. Yikes.