March 30, 2008

How Klever

Klassy is not better than classy,
Kafe is not the same as Cafe,
and Kool is determinedly un-so.

Why must you business owners replace Cs with Ks in your business titles? It's unnecessary and it makes you look fucking ridiculous.

Observe par example.

I rest my case.

Thank you so much...

Last year, my mom won a scratch and win contest at Indigo Books. Her prize was a free book a month for a year.

Since then, she's given me her free book coupon about 2/3 of the time and I have used every one of them to buy cookbooks. Most recently, I picked up The Silver Spoon which is a veritable bible of Italian foods. This book has 2000 recipes and recommends using minimal ingredients for each of them.

Last night I made Bruschetta (with my own twist by adding roasted red pepper, pepperoncini pepper, and basil oil), my own mixed herb salad with goat cheese and cranberries, mushroom gratin, and simple tomato sauce (the only ingredients are tomatoes, fresh basil, and olive oil). I wish I could cook like that everyday.

Bobby took part in the fun and made us some Tiramisu to go with everything. We used the organic Espresso Regalo from Starbucks in it and man oh man, good coffee makes good tiramisu. It doesn't hurt that Marscapone cheese tastes like whipped cream mixed with butter - but crap it's expensive.

I love Italian food. I think it's my favorite. I'm happy it's so simple to make.

March 23, 2008

Meow meow purr purr

My cat, normally very independent, has taken to sleeping with me at night. He'd been crawling into my bed occasionally for a while but, after having my nephew over the other night (Gus is apparently terrified of my nephew), Gus has decided my pillow is the best place to spend his nights. It's cute and I appreciate it because somehow a purring cat makes it easier to sleep.

March 18, 2008


So I'm sitting in the Lab section of my educational technology class this morning and have completed my assignment ahead of time. Check out my wicked multiple choice quiz and crossword puzzle on my fake school website here.

Anyhow we eventually segued from crossword puzzles and quizzes to using Excel as a tool for managing marks. Now, I understand that Microsoft Office is a completely alien set of application that nobody on earth ever uses for anything - especially not as a university student. Despite this, you can imagine my dismay when, what should have been a 10 minute demo, took for-fucking-ever. I can't believe that University students don't understand excel or, even more to my dismay, basic math functions! What is wrong with people??


My teacher demos how to add the marks of several assignments together and then calculate the average via a VERY complicated =average(c2:c5) formula.

Girl A: "What do you mean by 'calculate the average?' is that like, adding the numbers?"

Girl B: "Yeah, can you slow down? I'm still trying to find this 'excel' program? Where is it? On the desktop?"

Guy A (in a loud whisper - obviously intending for others to hear him): "I hate this fucking class. Why did I even wake up this morning."

Guy B: "Ya. I think I'm still drunk from last night."


March 16, 2008

Theme for my next party:

I can't wait.

It's a no...

I've decided against the food blog.  It's too much work.  Instead you can all just read whatever the hell I feel like writing on any particular day.  I think it keep things entertaining for you and easy for me.

That's a good combo.

March 13, 2008

Food Blogs

My blog is insanely disjointed.  It's a combo of food, video games, personal opinion, and journal entries. I was thinking, because other people's food blogs are kind of crappy, that I should start an exclusively food related blog. We'll see - I'm a little low on the "motivation" these days.

To counter Bobby's post on his favorite smash bros. character, I wanted to let everyone know that MY favorite character is Luigi.

He's fantastic. While I also like Pit, from Kid Icarus, I prefer Luigi because of his wicked side-flying head butt.  Smashy Smashy!

My failed experiment...

I had intended to photograph my herb garden as it grew so I could compare my regular herbs with my aerogarden herbs, but I've hit a snag.  My digital camera broke on Sunday at the GP staff party.  Now I have to describe the herbs instead and you'll just have to take my word for it.

Overall the aerogarden herbs are kicking the regular herbs asses.  By a lot.

That's all.

March 10, 2008

Anything but

I have a lot of homework to do.  

Actually, I've had a lot of homework to do for a week.


I've been having such a hard time gearing myself up to do it.  Anyone have any advice on how they overcome apathy toward school? Anyone? Please comment if you do.

March 6, 2008

After a week experiencing an etherial high from the surprise scholarship I received, I was crushed today when I received, what I consider, sub-par marks on my Ed Psych and EDIT tests.  I don't really care about my EDIT mark because I didn't study and otherwise just don't understand what the hell I'm supposed to do in that class.  On the other hand, I studied for Ed Psych and thought I knew the content fairly well.  It seems I'm just crappy at generalizing "arts" concepts - maybe I'm too detail oriented.

I miss sciences.


March 4, 2008

Frigging Alberta

I'm tired of everybody's apathy toward politics.  Dismal voter turn out is so frustrating when it results in the biggest tory majority government ever.  The Edmonton Journal said that Albertans voted "en masse" for the tories but that's not true... the majority of Albertans voted "en masse" to stay home and do nothing.  We now have a majority government with 73 seats and an opposition with about 10.  That's pathetic.  That's not an opposition, that's 10 nerds who are about to be bullied into submission for the next three or four years.

I want to move.